jueves, 8 de enero de 2015

Your first Garden

Frustrated by basic gardening guides which are hard to use and require hours of reading? Enjoy a kit which consists of an easy handbook covering the basics of site analysis and plant installation, a jar for soil texture texts, a tape measure for spacing new plantings, and a pair of garden gloves. This is the perfect gift for aspiring new gardeners and arrives just in time for spring planting. -- Midwest Book Review

Beautiful garden! Truth? - Would you like to have one like that?

Your first Garden

Here you can see some garden flowers that will be very easy to grow. Particularly suitable for beginners in the art of gardening.

Your first Garden
If you want to start your garden shape and has never planted anything before , you should find plants that are easy to grow . This will help you gain confidence in your new hobby and make gardening more fun entertainment.
Before going to buy plants , consider what plant species you would like to plant . Do you want flowers? Vegetables ? Herbs ? Green leaves ? , What you sow is hopefully something you enjoy . Do not limit yourself only to plant vegetables just because you think it is a must or because it has a nice sunny spot .
The second consideration to select the plants you want to plant should be the amount of sunlight that falls on the planting site . If the site is sunny , you are sure to find some types of plants that will be happy there.
When abundant shade is more complicated, as they have plants growing in the shade , it is unlikely that you will be able to grow vegetables there. Once you have determined the level of light and have decided what type of plants you would like to plant , time to go buy them.
If you are looking for flowers and greenery and has a sunny, there are many plants that are ideal for beginners and will look wonderful in any garden.
Coreopsis , Echinacea, Susana Ojos Negros and sunflowers are large plants , easy to grow and a choice of colors to open and sunny garden. You can also just go to a store and look at specialized plants flowers that are out of sunlight.
Suitable for your garden plants, you just have to plant them and water them regularly. If you have to plant a darker place , consider ferns and hostas for their beautiful colors of green hue. The phlox and impatiens add a bright color to your garden .
On the other hand , if you are looking for places shrubs shade garden , azaleas and alstroemeria flowers are easy to maintain and can provide year-round green leaves and beautiful flowers in the spring.
Another way to get flowers easily, if your place is sun or shade , is planting flowers bulb. The bulbs can be a bit like onions , but can be larger or smaller , and are usually planted in the fall. Follow the instructions that come with planting seeds in the spring and will have a lot of beautiful flowers, just when you need them most , with little care on your part .
When it comes to vegetables and herbs, there are many good choices for beginners. Lettuce , benefits of carrot , radish, squash, beans and peppers are easy to grow. The vegetable plants are a bit more complex to grow, but if attention is paid to these plants and watered regularly, insurance is well developed .
Similarly, many of the culinary herbs are easy to grow from seed or plants that can be purchased at any nursery. Rosemary , thyme , basil , oregano , cilantro , parsley , mint and others can grow on your back deck or even in a box in the kitchen window . Herbs are wonderful plants that they grow around the house offer a pleasant odor and are ideal for adding to dishes you enjoy most .
Do not be afraid to experiment with different plants even if only because it draws attention . You will learn from the mistakes as much as you learn of the plants that are easy to grow and will shine always beautiful and beautiful .


Some people just your garden does not seem enough.
Convinced that the selection, care and exhibition of a single genus of plants is more important, so it engaged almost full time.
Sure, not all plants require extensive and specialized attention.
We can speak of the Capuchins, for example. These annuals have, for the limited range of a wide range of colors that will surely noticed, in the summer, very happy that the balconies, window boxes and flower beds.
They are very easy to grow, despite how useful they are to give life to the garden with their bright coloration.

The Hills recount a visit to a retired farm couple's garden where "flowers were planted in neat cultivated rows, just like their vegetables." Comprehensive formulas for vegetable gardening work, as did the Hills' The Vegetable Gardener's Bible (which has 135,000 in print), but the flower garden is perhaps too broad a subject for similar treatment. The Hills are skilled instructors in basic techniques-a strength they use well in Part I. Easy-to-read text, a welcoming magazine-like layout and step-by-step photographic guides provide a solid foundation in flower garden fundamentals. Part II, "A Gallery of Gardens," is less helpful, with watercolors accompanying descriptions and plant lists for everything from a garden path to a rose garden. By trying to serve all needs and tastes, this section sometimes overloads rather than whets the imagination. In Part III, the Hills present "species-by-species information" on 261 perennials, annuals, bulbs, wildflowers, shrubs, vines and grasses. While overall the result is sometimes uneven, the handsome color photographs will invite browsing and offer gardeners a good, homey foundation.


The Chrysanthemums

Then came the turn of chrysanthemums!
From it there is a wide variety, hundreds, according to currently known.
So much so that, year after year, an avalanche of new varieties arise, so you'll always have a new challenge.
Go knowing that you have to learn special cultivation techniques if you want to achieve success with these flowers. But, you always have several very useful tips,
because the information abounds on this topic and you just have to apply yourself to it.
You can even visit the exhibitions, which display your achievements and you can enjoy floral objectives achieved by others.
Is this your favorite flower?


Lilies, another option

Azucena is a bulb. All you must do is take care of planting the bulbs correctly, in proper season, so they will give away your flowers year after year.
But you should keep in mind that there will always be easy care, as there are some varieties that require more attention, such as the right places to be installed. However, this can be a challenge that many want to face and overcome while encouraging travez.
So there are those who decide to have a vast collection as much as possible of the many varieties of the plant exist. Often, then, is what can be fascinating spectacle achieve its lush floral beauty techniques achieved in the process.

Here are eight good advice to novice gardeners.

1 What do you want to do with your garden? A place for kids to play ?, gardening? or is a sea of ​​flowers?
It is difficult to combine all these wishes and desires. It is therefore advisable to certain limits, at least at first. And, create their particular Eden will take time. Before starting work, one must consider the different functions that should meet the garden. If you must include, for example, places to sit, play or flowerbeds.

2 Take it easy ...
If you are a new owner of a house or an apartment with a garden or plantation, would do well to take the first season calmly. It is not uncommon, covered by the dark earth, dreams of the previous owner of the garden. Not surprisingly, many plants are evergreen and bloom every year. In other areas, however, will have to dig diligently to revitalize.

3 How far can you get your own?
The key is to strike a balance between available time, knowledge and economic possibilities. For many gardeners, much of the charm lies precisely in doing all the work yourself. Others, meanwhile, prefer to hire the services of professional landscapers or landscape professionals. However, it is unusual to be completely alone: you can always get help from the neighbors, at least.

4 What are the climatic conditions of the area where you live?
Can be given many different types of rusticity in the same country. Therefore, a good measure is to consult a local garden center or nursery. These agencies generally provide all the necessary data about the vegetation, climate and soil of the area. Buy plants blindly without properly informed before, usually get expensive.

5 Height, weather and color
When going to plant a flowerbed, it is necessary to consider three very simple things: the height, time and color. Ensure first, select species of flowering periods which overlap, in order to dilate the season. It is also advisable to combine complementary colors with shades. Finally, ensure that the highest levels of light not deprive the lowest.

6. Quality pays off
It is not difficult to find cheap tools and flowers offer at any supermarket, it's true. So is any plant that blooms in oligotrophic or poor quality soils. The tools should last more than one season. To do this, buy tools and materials of good quality. It is always better to buy fewer things, but better and more expensive, since it will last much longer.

7 Share with your friends and neighbors
Not everyone has to have their own mower or cultivator. I borrowed a neighbor request one or come to an agreement between several people to share the costs of acquiring good quality products. Also, you can swap bulbs and plants with friends and neighbors, and share tips and strategies and help each other when they have to lift heavy objects. Just do not forget to invite them to a garden party as thanks.

8 Useful tools for a novice gardener

A shovel to dig
• A rake
• A lawn mower
• A pair of scissors to prune roses
• Cortarramas
• A garden hose and sprinkler

Would you like to start your own garden?

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